I think that the most innovative tools we will use in the future and their invention will come from the bottom and from above suspicion persons…

One of these innovations is in my opinion this new way of a distributive discussion on a fixed topic with blogs as a medium, called blogoposium

[ and this is another little contribute to blogoposium1 initiative incidentally ]

There is a wonderful post of Nancy White that tries to explain the origin of the word and of the phenomenon:

blogoposium : a way to codify an informal form that has emerged across blogs for sometime: a shared focus over a certain period of time.

And this is the final part…

Key words here. Public. Presentation. Drinking. Party. Experts. Specialists.
The only one that really talks about interchange or dialoge is the reference to Socrates. And that was about love.

Of course blog is the medium. So I think I shall focus on that last word, love.

What happens when we get together and talk about things we care about deeply.
Things we love.
What changes? With that be part of a Blogoposium on Web 2.0?
Is that a measure of what we can bring when we blog collaboratively across our little domains and piles of words?

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[ crosspost su VoIT ]

Una notizia molto interessante dal Register:

-> Peru’s parliament approves pro-open source bill

Legislators in Peru have approved a hotly contested bill sanctioning use of open source software by government and levelling the playing field for start-ups against Microsoft.

The Peruvian Congress has passed a bill that prohibits any public institution from buying systems that tie users into any particular type of software or that limits “information autonomy”.
Public institutions are also barred from having a pre-determined preference for either proprietary software or open-source software.

In realtà quindi si intima allo Stato di non avere pregiudizi sul software e a di non obbligare i cittadini ad usare un certo tipo di software, sia esso open o closed source.

E’ implicito quindi l’uso di standard aperti verso il cittadino, una decisione simile a quella che ha preso anche lo stesso Massachusetts qualche giorno fa… [ lo avevo accennato qui ]

Decisione molto lunga e sofferta, con colpi di scena in questi tre anni…

C’è un’etica dietro molto forte e una capacità di vedere lontano forse ancora maggiore…

E noi ci riteniamo avanti rispetto al Perù? Mah…

Commenta e condividi

This is my little contribute to blogoposium1 initiative…

So my vision of web2.0 term is this:

Web as a platform totally trasparent to the user, which can edit and read everything and from everywhere and manipulate data creatively

The Web1 in my opinion isn’t a completed idea, but only the beginning of Tim Berners Lee vision of it… and we have only seen the alpha stage of it !!!

There is in fact the W3C that formally try to improve the Web to its full potential, but sometimes lacks of usability and of a response to the need of the users community so the community tries to solve its problems alone… [_ tags and microformats initiative_ ]

It’s important to remark that the original Web idea is not the present Web, but a Web that is totally interactive and editable, where a user can edit and read at the same time and without any problems…

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Matteo Brunati

Attivista Open Data prima, studioso di Civic Hacking e dell’importanza del ruolo delle comunità in seguito, vengo dalle scienze dell’informazione, dove ho scoperto il Software libero e l’Open Source, il Semantic Web e la filosofia che guida lo sviluppo degli standard del World Wide Web e ne sono rimasto affascinato.
Il lavoro (dal 2018 in poi) mi ha portato ad occuparmi di Legal Tech, di Cyber Security e di Compliance, ambiti fortemente connessi l’uno all’altro e decisamente sfidanti.

Compliance Specialist SpazioDati
Appassionato #CivicHackingIT
