Il 16 novembre sarò a Milano per la tavola rotonda “Data as a commons: i dati come strumento di governance collaborativa delle città“ all’interno di Sharitaly, assieme ad un sacco di amici del mondo Open Data e annessi.

Data as a commons a Sharitaly

Data as a commons a Sharitaly

Panel: Data as a commons: i dati come strumento di governance collaborativa delle città

Gli Open Data rappresentano uno snodo cruciale per mettere in atto i principi dell’Open Government e stimolare modelli collaborativi tra istituzioni e comunità locali, finalizzati non solo al controllo dell’operato della P.A. ma anche allo sviluppo di nuovi servizi e applicazioni che integrino e potenzino quelli già offerti dalle istituzioni pubbliche secondo la logica della co-production. Ma cosa sono concretamente gli Open Data? Quale valore possono generare per la Città? Ne discuteremo insieme durante il panel con alcuni tra i maggiori esperti e attivisti sul tema dell’Open Data in Italia.

Modera: Davide Arcidiacono (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Con: Matteo Brunati (Community Manager Spazio Dati e Italian Correspondent per E-PSI Platform), Michele D’Alena (Digital Innovation Advisor), Gianni Dominici (Forum PA), Federico Morando (Nexa-Politecnico di Torino e fondatore di Synapta), Maurizio Napolitano (Digital Commons Lab-Fondazione Bruno Kessler-Trento)

E’ una tavola rotonda dove parleremo di molti temi che mi sono cari: Open Data, smart cities, beni comuni e Open Government. Alcuni li avevo approfonditi in un mio vecchio post di settembre 2012, “Attivare le comunità intelligenti: ovvero ripartire dal senso civico“.

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Making the overall Open Data ecosystem more useful and accessible isn’t only a technological issue. If we publish only Linked Open Data stuff out there, we aren’t solving the problem at all.

We need to think about the overall user experience, and more about our potential users, our data remixers. And, on the other hand, how we can make this concept of remixing data visible on mainstream channels?

We need two different things: firstly, be sexier and easier to understand. And secondly,** be closer to the people** real agenda settings.

The starting point is having more context around data: not only speaking about the contextual geographic information system. I’m speaking about merging different worlds, and different data silos, hiding the way you’re doing that. From mobility data, to Internet of Things sensors data. Citing an article published on GigaOm:

“So while it is true that we have access to more information than ever before, we are not experts on every subject. Thus, it is very difficult to digest it. My concern is that over-information the new way of hiding information. The best way to fight mainstream media disinformation is to demand more context for all the data: we need the “fact-checking journalism” promoted by sites like Gapminder or Open Knowledge. strives to make sense of issues through data and design with a collection site where designers and all sorts of organizations can upload and share open data sets”.

Demanding more context from our information systems means finding better ways to have the information that we are really looking for. Querying Open Data portals with only one click, for example, improves the usability and the overall user experience. Hiding this querying process another step in the right direction, like Google has done with its Knowledge Graph concept. I’ve also seen some signals during my daily job: [full disclosure: I’m the community manager at SpazioDati]

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Veneto region is where I live, and I love it. This region is working on its local Digital Agenda, and on some guidelines supported by a task force of experts. I had an interview with Gianluigi Cogo, who is the Program Manager of eGovernment Office at the regional government of Veneto, to speak about Digital Agenda and our region’s related policies.

(_ Q stands for the question, and A for the answer _)

Q:What is Veneto doing about both the Italian and the European Digital Agendas?

A: Veneto is implementing a strategic document, called “Guidelines for Digital Agenda of Veneto”. This document explains themes, subjects, methods and concrete actions to realize digital standards to the full. The process we are building consists of 3 steps: asking for advice to stakeholders, asking for advice to local communities and realizing long-term projects (thanks to the EU structural funds).

Q: Are data reuse and practice reuse heart-felt themes? What do you think is the perception of these topics in Veneto?

A: These are cornerstones of Digital Agenda. We think that data promotes both transparency of the public sector and new digital jobs and savings. We are referring to what is commonly called “data as service”. Open data will soon be a strong base for valuable services and applications. Thanks to that, new business opportunities will be available.

Q: In 2012, Veneto published What kind of feedback did it receive?

A: Currently, we are collecting existing datasets. We are, also, making known the web platform. There weren’t big problems or oppositions. Now, the goal is to apply metadata to reach Linked Open Data standards.

Q: Which kind of problems did it face?

A:The main problem, with, was the lack of knowledge. We overcame this situation with both meetings and seminars. I’d like to underline the fact that, in Veneto, public policies and public managers had recognized very quickly the inner potential of Open Data.

Q: What reactions do businesses have about reuse?

A: I don’t have any indicators about it yet. The work with Veneto’s companies will start after summer. Currently, we are focusing on collecting data.

Q: Many associations and citizen’s initiatives are currently starting and growing to support digital culture, both locally and nationally. What do you think about it?

A: That’s great! Everyone can do something, but it’s not enough. I have always spent a lot of time and energies to support a massive mainstream action. During 1960s, Alberto Manzi taught to million of Italians how to write and how to read. Nowadays, we need a someone like him: a tv-anchor that teaches us how to use internet and how to make headways.

Read more on the full article published on

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Matteo Brunati

Attivista Open Data prima, studioso di Civic Hacking e dell’importanza del ruolo delle comunità in seguito, vengo dalle scienze dell’informazione, dove ho scoperto il Software libero e l’Open Source, il Semantic Web e la filosofia che guida lo sviluppo degli standard del World Wide Web e ne sono rimasto affascinato.
Il lavoro (dal 2018 in poi) mi ha portato ad occuparmi di Legal Tech, di Cyber Security e di Compliance, ambiti fortemente connessi l’uno all’altro e decisamente sfidanti.

Compliance Specialist SpazioDati
Appassionato #CivicHackingIT
